Hello SWCD colleagues!
You spoke, and we listened! We are hosting our annual meeting this year ion November 6th and 7th at Eagle Crest in Redmond. Some of you may recall we tried hosting our annual meeting in April in concurrence with the CONNECT conference, but it wasn’t ideal for those of us working the land. I still hope to see many of you at CONNECT – but first, in November in Redmond!
Below you will find a link where you can see all of the logistical details and register on-line. This year we will have a good mix of engaging presentations as well as some critical business.
We are excited to welcome Laura Johnson from the Washington State Soil & Water Conservation Commission to motivate us and give us practical tools so that we are no longer conservation’s “best kept secret”! She’ll help all of us, from small to large districts, better connect with our landowners and market our programs.
We will also hear from Meta Loftgaarden regarding the Governor’s Future Water Initiative. This is a cross-agency, cross-jurisdictional effort for secure, safe and resilient water resources for the future. We will hear from Stan Dean from the Oregon Soil & Water Conservation Commission on their recent work, as well as Jon Byers of ODA, and partners at NRCS, NACD, and others.
Our business meeting will include a vote on Bylaws amendments as well as a discussion of potential changes to our Dues Structure. I believe that the more districts that are able to participate, the better our outcomes will be. We have made great strides in improving our functionality as an organization and delivery of services to districts – and we will only do better and achieve more with YOU joining us at the meeting.
Thank you and see you in November!
Terri Preeg Riggsby
Oregon Association of Conservation Districts, Board President
West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District, Board Chair
971-404-4909 (cell)